

Don’t Press Send Red Ribbon Week 5th and 6th grade Presentation


The Changing Culture of Marijuana Laws and the Impact on the Adolescent Brain

Here is the link to this very powerful presentation held in early January:


Video of Dr. Elinore McCane-Katz, Assistant Secretary for Mental Health Substance Use

Here is a link to Dr. Elinore McCane-Katz’s statement at SAMHSA prevention day in Washington DC.  She speaks passionately about the risks to public health and government’s reaction to information from the marijuana industry.


Ending the Addiction Epidemic

Addiction isn’t invincible. We know what needs to be done, and we know we need to do it together. The Center on Addiction is rallying families, employers, healthcare professionals, and passionate individuals like you to put an end to addiction. Watch this video to learn more. And visit www.centeronaddiction.org to join the movement.


Impaired Driving is a Serious Issue

Attention New York drivers: An ongoing issue has quite literally taken to the streets of New York. Many of us stay busy with our day-to-day schedule that requires us to ride the roads to and from work, daycare, and extra curricula activities. We depend on these roads for a safe and timely commute, especially with the new school year among

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Heavier Alcohol Use In Youth May Put Heart And Brain At Risk

People in the United States are drinking more these days. And two new studies show evidence that heavier drinking in youth leads to some alarming damage in the body and brain. Check out all of the details in this Forbes.com article.


What reductions in opioid deaths? Does commercializing marijuana for medical or recreational purposes increase use? You decide.

What reductions in opioid deaths? Does commercializing marijuana for medical or recreational purposes increase use? You decide. Check out this fascinating report from National Families in Action


He started vaping as a teen and now the habit is “Impossible to Let Go.”

The debate over the health risks of Juul, vaping and e-cigarettes is now spilling into the public square. In one of the most restrictive measures nationwide, San Francisco voters this week upheld by what looks to be a large majority — nearly 70 percent in a preliminary tally — a ban on the sale of flavored vaping products, as well as conventional

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Opioid dependence can happen after just five days.

  Watch this video, released by ONDCP and The White House. Know the truth. Spread the truth.  


The Dangers of Underage Drinking: An Interview with a Manhasset High School grad